World“s First And Only Inside Sales Hiring Guide Published

Inside sales is the new black. Companies across all economic sectors are adopting and integrating inside sales models in record numbers. The scalability, measurability, and predictability of inside sales have made it the new preferred sales channel for companies that have a mandate from stakeholders to grow sales and revenue quickly.

The shift to the inside sales model has caused demand for talent to outstrip supply. Attracting, hiring, and retaining people is harder than ever before as companies compete for the same small, limited pool of revenue-generating talent. It“s an insidious problem that companies don“t see, anticipate, or understand how to overcome.

According to Joe Culotta, President of Inside Sales Staff: „The challenge is how to attract, hire, and keep the best inside sales talent before competing companies hire them first“.

In this white paper, „How To Attract, Hire, and Retain Inside Sales Talent During the Biggest Hiring Frenzy in History“, the world’s leading inside sales recruiting agency distills down twenty years of inside sales recruiting insights, tactics, and strategies into eight pages. Joe Culotta states: „This information has never been published all in one place, all at one time.“ He goes on to say, „A reader of our white paper recently sent me a note that read, „Thank You, Thank You, Thank You“.

To download a copy of „How To Attract, Hire, and Retain Inside Sales Talent During the Biggest Hiring Frenzy in History“, visit:

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