Farm GrowExpress Ltd. – Impressions from harvest time in Nigeria, by Dr. Thomas Schulte, Berlin

October 2022 – Impressions from harvest time, the first 11 hectares have been harvested and put to dry in the company’s own maize barn. The construction of the farmhouse on the model estate is also progressing. Founder and shareholder Thomas Wegener’s goal is to have the model farmhouse ready for use by cooperative farmers in early December 2022. At the same time, further corn harvesting is underway. After drying, the corn will then be threshed, packed and sold. Busy because cassava harvesting starts after that.

Grow Express Ltd’s model farm project grows and thrives

Thomas Wegener, a Berlin native who founded the GrowExpress model estate in Ibadan, Nigeria, is excited about the prospects for new partnerships and collaborations that this development offers. Former decathlete Thomas Wegener, who has been active in the Mustergut initiative for years, states that he believes investing in vital social services, particularly education and training, is the only way to create a sustainable future. As part of German Financial Cooperation (FC), GTAI (German Trade & Invest) supports a number of different initiatives in Nigeria. The focus is on efforts to increase the availability of these important social services. Women, who are more likely to live in poverty and work in agriculture, are particularly affected. Through the model settlement, GrowExpress is working to gently restore these vast landscapes. This is done through the use of organic and agronomic farming methods, supported by international institutes and local educational institutions. As Thomas Wegener explains, this includes all steps from preparing the land for cultivation, through care and growth, to harvesting and selling the produce.

Africa’s food security – hunger and state responsibility

‚Don’t talk, act against food insecurity‘- German scientists such as Prof. Klaus Schlichte, University of Bremen, point out the following: Africa accounts for 675 million food insecure people and by 2030, if current trends are not taken into account, the continent will have the highest undernourished population (51.5 percent). This raises skepticism about achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, which is to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. Nigeria has huge potential in agriculture alone with 400 million people.


Dr. Thomas Schulte

About the author:
The author is a lawyer and author in the field of adult education in Berlin. He is co-founder of the project Mustergut GrowExpress Ltd. in Nigeria.

Keywords:GrowExpress Ltd, Grow Express, harvest, maize, cassava, hectares, model farm, Ibadan, Nigeria, farmhouse, education, development, Thomas Wegener


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